8:30 am Arrival / Check-in / Coffee
9:00 am Morning Prayer
9:15 am Introduction / Review
9:30 am Session I
10:30 am Break
10:45 am Session II
Noon Time for individual silent reflection
12:30 pm Lunch in small group
1:30 pm Rest in the Lord
1:45 pm Session III: Large group discussion addressing issues arising throughout the day
2:45 pm Eucharist or Prayer service , Shared graces
3:45 – 4:00 pm Departure
Session I: Thursday, Feb. 6
Re-defining some foundational terms
“Spirituality,” “Theology,” “Catechism,” “Religion”
Brief survey on Christian Spirituality
Barriers, noises, hindrances
Session II: Tuesday, Feb 25
Entering into Ignatian Spirituality
Ignatian DNA
From experience to text
Ignatian “misconceptions” and limitation
Session III: Tuesday, March 4
The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius: Preparing a Space for Sacred Encounter
Principle and Foundation Tuesday, March 18
Session IV: Tuesday, April 8
First Week: Moving From Self-Centered to God-Centered
General examen
Image of self / Image of God
Sins and Conversion
Session V: Tuesday, May 27 (end at 1:30 pm)
Discernment of the First Week
Session VI: Tuesday, Sept 9
Second and Third Week: Becoming Whom We Contemplate
Por Cristo
Ignatian Contemplation
From “what have I done for Christ?” to “what have I suffered for Christ”
Session VII: Tuesday, Sept. 30
Discernment of the Second Week
Session VIII: Thursday, Oct. 30
Fourth Week: Contemplative in Action
Communal discernment: from a lone pilgrim to member of an enterprise.
Session IX: Thursday, Nov. 6
Spiritual Direction in Ignatian Tradition
November 25 – Thanksgiving Celebration – Evaluation / Feedback / Recollection